Great stuff if you handled the HIIT workout. It is time to turn the heat up then. This is a slightly longer workout than the others and I am going to bring in a bit of a core workout as well.
I sound like a broken record but do your warm-ups. You are going to need it for this one. Right, let’s get into it. This workout is going to have some rep sets and timed sets so make sure you have your stopwatch close by.
1a) Plank Saw x 15 reps
1b) Single Arms Roll Out x 8 reps per side
Rest for 90 seconds and repeat the set
2a) TRX Side Plank x 30 seconds per side
2b) Kneeling standing roll out x 15 reps
Rest for 90 seconds and repeat the set
3a) TRX Squat Jumps x 10 reps
Take 30 seconds rest and repeat the exercise for a total of 3 sets. After the last set take 2 – 3 minutes rest before we get into out last set of exercises.
Strength & Power
4a) Sprinters Start right leg forward
4b) Atomic Push up
4c) Sprinters Start left leg forward
4d) Power Pull Right Side
4e) Alternating Jump Lunge
4f) Power Pull Left Side
4g) Hamstring Runners
Perform each exercise for 30 seconds (if you want to go harder, 45 seconds per exercise). Rest for 2 minutes after each set. Repeat for a total of 3 sets.
Just like the warm-up, your cooldown is pretty important here. Make sure you do it.