Welcome back, hope the last workout went down well. If you are new to the training I hope it was challenging for you, if not, we’re going to pick it up a little bit with this workout. I am sure you have heard of HIIT, it has been the buzz word all over the fitness industry. If you haven’t then HIIT stands for High-Intensity Interval Training. That means short bouts of high-intensity work with short periods of rest. Essentially, you can work out for a shorter period but burn a lot more calories as opposed to running on a treadmill for 60 minutes.
So, for this workout, we are going to be using the Tabata method. That is 20 seconds of flat out work and 10 seconds of rest. You will do a total of 8 working sets and the whole set will only take 4 minutes. You have to be pretty accurate with the timing. 20 seconds of work is 20 seconds of work. I suggest downloading a Tabata timing app.
So let’s get into the workout. As always, make sure you have warmed up properly. We want the body moving freely and ready for the work we going to put it through.
Set 1
1a) Alternating Pistol Squat
1b) Ice Skater
1c) Alternating reverse lunge
1d) Squat jump
Repeat the same exercises for the second half of the Tabata. If you can try to count how many reps you did for each exercise. You are going to repeat the set and try to beat the last round. You need to rest 2-3 minutes between each full Tabata.
Set 2
1a) Inverted rows
1b) Leg curls
1c) Grapplers Pull
1d) Push-ups
Repeat the same exercises for the second half of the Tabata. If you can try to count how many reps you did for each exercise. You are going to repeat the set and try to beat the last round. You need to rest 2-3 minutes between each full Tabata.
As with all workouts, make sure you complete a cool down after your set. Do some foam rolling, static stretching or have an easy job on the treadmill.
Try repeating this workout weekly and keep the records of your reps. Make sure you are beating the last week’s numbers and you will definitely see some nice results coming through.